Linda’s Book Obsession Reviews “The Rise, Fall, and Return of Sarah Mandelbaum” by Cara Kagan, Wild Rose Press, 2023. On Tour with Suzy Approved Book Tours

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Cara Kagan, the Author of “The Rise, Fall, and Return of Sarah Mandelbaum” has written an entertaining and engaging contemporary fiction novel. In this well-written novel, the author vividly describes the environments and the colorful and dramatic characters. The author describes the characters as complex and complicated. Some are insecure, manipulative, greedy, flawed, dysfunctional, toxic, and pretentious, and self-serving. Some are loyal and likable. The female protagonist, Sarah Mandelbaum, has finished college with music courses, and loves to jam with a band, and help other people in that field. She also needs to be able to make a living, and finds herself in a position in a high fashion magazine, managing and writing articles. Sarah has had her style of what she can afford and what she is comfortable with. She is lucky to have some very loyal friends.

Sarah discovers in the new position, she is to meet the expectations of what is fashionable and also set an example by the way she wears her makeup and hair. She has been warned that some of the people at this magazine, are unscrupulous, greedy, opportunist, and mean-spirited. Some of the bosses are sexist, and there are betrayals and humiliation. It is hard in this world to know who is a friend or enemy. Yet this job does have the perk of designer clothing, meeting famous people, and paying the rent.

Sarah has had a bad experience in music school, but enjoys playing guitar. Sarah has to find the courage, her self-worth and self-confidence in whatever she wants to do. What path will Sarah choose for herself?

I appreciate that the author discusses important topics such as alcoholism, self-worth, the importance of family, friends, love and hope. I highly recommend this book.

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