Linda’s Book Obsession Reviews “Releasing the Reins” by Catherine Matthews, Pacific Peaks Publishing, June 18, 2024, On Tour with Suzy Approved Book Tours

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Catherine Matthews, the Author of “Releasing the Reins” has written an exhilarating, captivating and intriguing novel filled with adventure.The Genres for this book are Women’s Fiction, Mystery and Suspense, Women’s Action and Adventure Fiction, and Adventure. The novel’s timeline is approximately,1984 and 1986 in Rural Alaska at a Farm and Horse Ranch. In the well-written novel, the author vividly describes the landscape, scenery, and animals in Alaska, and the dramatic characters. I love seeing the horses and dog described with distinctive personalities interacting with the characters. I also appreciate that the author describes how some women are courageous, bold, and determined to prove they are just as capable as men in certain situations.

One of the female protagonists Bunny (Benny) O’ Kelly leaves her comfortable home, a dairy farm, when her father tells her that the brothers will inherit his ranch. Both of her parents expect Bunny to marry and settle down. With a heavy heart, Bunny leaves the ranch, as Benny, to work on a horse ranch in Alaska. Bunny (Benny) is determined to prove she can work as hard as any male ranch hand. Bunny shows exceptional talent in training and riding the horses. She also manages to accomplish difficult manual tasks. Both the owner and ranch hands make her feel unwelcome and uncomfortable.

Bunny discovers that the boss’s daughter Katie Millie had been killed in a tragic accident two years prior to this. Bunny also discovers Katie’s car, and other property that seem to show suspicious activity. Some of the characters are manipulative, jealous, power-hungry, and could be suspect of foul play. There are SECRETS and BETRAYALS. The more that Bunny searches for answers, there is more danger and the possibility of at least one murder and cover-up. Bunny herself is putting her life on the line. I highly recommend this suspenseful and intense novel.

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