Linda’s Book Obsession Reviews “All They Need to Know” by Eileen Goudge, Amazon Publishing, September 2024

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Eileen Goudge, the Author of “All They Need to Know” has written a captivating and intense novel. The Genres for this Novel are Fiction, Suspense, Friendship Fiction, Divorce Fiction and Small Town and Rural Fiction. What would you do if you were leaving an abusive and toxic marriage, and had to leave to save your life? In this well written and thought-provoking novel, Eileen Goudge, vividly describes the plot, scenery, landscape, and the dramatic and colorful characters.

The female protagonist in this novel, “Kyra Smith” is forced to leave everything behind to save her life. Along her trip, she picks up, and rescues a dog. Kyra finds a small town, and makes friends with a group of women that call themselves “The Tattooed Ladies Club”.Each of the ladies has their own stories and problems. Kyra also finds herself and has the courage to start a new career.

Krystal is always looking over her shoulder, fearful that her husband will find her. When it seems that he does find her, Krystal and her friends are in danger. I appreciate that the author discusses domestic abuse, alcoholism, self-worth, and the importance of friends. I highly recommend this memorable story.

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