My Review of “Forks, Knives and Spoons” by Leah DeCesare

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imageI loved everything about Leah DeCesare’s novel “Forks,Knives and Spoons”! The concept of this novel is so unique, creative and unusual! Kudos to Leah DeCesare for such an amazing and original storyline!  The genres of this story are Fiction, Women’s Fiction, and Romance.

The time-line of the story is in the 1980’s where there aren’t cell phones, texting, and social media. Imagine having to call on a landline or send a handwritten,(or typed) note or letter, The author describes several girls who become friends during college life. As Amy York’s father has the “talk” before she goes to college, her father describes that there are three types of guys,” Forks, Knives and Spoons.” Amy uses this “Utensil Classification System” as a guide. Her college friends tend to refer to this as “UCS”  Spoons would be nerdy, Forks would be the charming, love and leave them type, and Knives would be keepers.

The characters are mostly likeable. These are college age and young adults finding their way through their adventures in college.  I love the way that the author shows us how the characters deal with betrayal, dishonesty loyalty and commitment.  I also enjoy how the girls use the Utensil Classification System.  For example, this is an enjoyable quote minus the person’s name not to spoil anything:” He turned out to be a fork in a knive’s  clothing”.

I appreciate the way the author shows us friendship, family, love and hope. I especially like that the characters show growth. This was such a fun, intriguing and enjoyable read and I highly recommend that you read it!  I won this package as a giveaway from the author, and  all thought and opinions are my own, and this is my honest review.



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